Sunday, August 22, 2010

Short list of greatest chess match ever played (English)

Ниже приведён короткий список лучших шахматных партий.

In the Chess Game of the Century, a 13 yr old Bobby Fischer showed the world that he was going to be a force in the chess world.

The immortal chess game shows the brilliance of Anderssen as he sacrifices two rooks, a queen and a bishop but beautiful uses the rest of his pieces to win the chess game.

In what is arguably the greatest chess match ever played, Kasparov shows why he is considered to be the best chess player of all time in his "Immortal" game. There are so many amazing moves I lost count.

Для тех кто владеет английским и хочет узнать основные принципы в шахматах рекомендую разбор партии Fischer vs Panno.

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