Wednesday, November 30, 2022

"Долой компартию": манифестации против локдауна в Китае становятся политическими (27.11.2022) (English, Russian)

В нескольких городах КНР прошли манифестации против предельно жестких карантинных мер, принимаемых китайскими властями при выявлении носителей коронавируса, когда в локдауне оказываются целые районы. Движущей силой манифестаций стали студенты.

Демонстрации прошли в Пекине, Шанхае, Нанкине. Несмотря на то, что в каждом из городов на улицы вышли всего несколько сот человек, речь идет об одном из самых значительных за последнее время оппозиционных выступлений.

Их участники выражали солидарность с жертвами расстрела в Урумчи. 24 ноября в столице Синьцзян-Уйгурского автономного района был открыт огонь по манифестантам, также требовавшим облегчить карантинные меры. Погибли 10 человек.

... в Шанхае манифестанты начали скандировать лозунги "Долой компартию!", "Долой Си Цзиньпина!" и "Свободу Урумчи!", а также "Мы не хотим проверок на коронавирус!" и "Освободите нас!" Вскоре после этого демонстрация была разогнана.

Ниже есть продолжение.

...Three years after the virus emerged, China is the only major country still trying to stop transmission of COVID-19. Its “zero COVID” strategy has suspended access to neighborhoods for weeks at a time. Some cities carry out daily virus tests on millions of residents...

That has kept China’s infection numbers lower than those the United States and other major countries, but public acceptance has worn thin. People who are quarantined at home in some areas say they lack food and medicine. The ruling party faced public anger following the deaths of two children whose parents said anti-virus controls hampered efforts to get medical help.

...The atmosphere of the protest encouraged people to speak about topics considered taboo, including the 1989 crackdown on the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests, the protester who insisted on anonymity said.

...A fire in an apartment building in northwestern China’s Xinjiang region killed 10 people and injured nine, authorities said Friday, amid stringent lockdowns that have left many residents in the area stuck in their homes for more than three months.

...The fire deaths in Urumqi triggered an outpouring of angry questions online about whether firefighters who needed three hours to extinguish the blaze or victims trying to escape might have been obstructed by locked doors or other controls. Authorities denied that, but the disaster became a focal point for public anger about anti-disease restrictions, ruling party propaganda and censorship...

...In Shanghai, protesters gathered at Middle Urumqi Road at midnight with flowers, candles and signs reading “Urumqi, November 24, those who died rest in peace,” according to a participant who would give only his family name, Zhao...According to Zhao, protesters yelled slogans including “Xi Jinping, step down, Communist Party, step down,” “Unlock Xinjiang, unlock China,” “do not want PCR (tests), want freedom” and “press freedom.”

Some called for an official apology for the deaths in the fire in Urumqi in the Xinjiang region. One member of Xinjiang’s Uyghur ethnic group, which has been the target of a security crackdown that includes mass detentions, shared his experiences of discrimination and police violence.

“Everyone thinks that Chinese people are afraid to come out and protest, that they don’t have any courage,” said the protester, adding it was his first time demonstrating. “Actually in my heart, I also thought this way. But then when I went there, I found that the environment was such that everyone was very brave.”

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