Sunday, May 02, 2010

"Once they lived" Rozanka, Belgrade, Mogilev (English, Hebrew, Russian)

This footage has been obtained from images filed at the Bundesarchiv Berlin and made available through Wikimedia Creative Commons.

In this case, three different groups of photos have been selected, taken by German war correspondants for propaganda reasons, portraying civilian Jews in Belgrade (April 1941), Rozanka (June 1941) and Mogilev. The pics of Mogilev, in particular, portrays a group of Jews, many of which rather elderly, equipped with tools, while other are busy in sewing the Magen David on their clothes. These photos were taken in July 1941 and just a few months later, on October 2 and 19, most of the Jews of Mogilev were exterminated during two mass murders, perpetrated by the Polizei-Bataillon 316 and 322, in collaboration with the Ukrainische-Schuma Bataillon 51 and personnel of the Einsatzkommando 8 and other local details of the Sichereitspolizei.

Overall, about 6,000 Jews fell victims of these massacres.

Краткий перевод: Около 6000 евреев погибли в Розанке, Белграде, Могилёве.

תרגום קצר כ6000 יהודים ניספו ברוזנקה, בלגרד, מוגליב.

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