India has become Israel’s second largest export destination after the United States, as the Jewish state focuses on tapping potential in the Asian markets.
As per the figures provided by Israel’s Export and International Cooperation Institute, India jumped from the eighth position to second as the favored destination for Israeli exports in the first half of 2010. Israeli exports to India in the first half of this year equaled $$$990 million, an increase of 102% compared to last year. The reason for this sharp jump was a 63 percent leap in exports by Israel’s mining, minerals and quarrying sector, which exported $$$228 million worth of products, mainly fertilizers, to the subcontinent.
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One of the biggest exporters to India in this sector was Dead Sea Works, a subsidiary of Israel Chemicals. Electronics equipment, including warfare systems, exports to India grew from less than $$$10 million in the first half of last year to $$$160 million this year, the institute reported. Major exporters in this sector included ECI Telecom and Comverse, TowerJazz, Elbit Systems and Rafael. Israeli exports to India of metals and metal products also increased from $$$21 million to $$$130 million, a sharp increase of 524 percent.
“India and Israel have registered a phenomenal growth in bilateral trade, starting from humble figures of $$$200 million in 1992 when diplomatic relations were established between the two countries, with current trends projecting a close to $$$5 billion mark this year a real possibility”, said Sujit Ghosh, First Secretary (Political and Information) at the Indian embassy in Tel Aviv.
Strengthening cooperation in the field of agriculture, India would also be opening several centres of excellence to replicate Israeli model of success in the field. The Haryana horticulture department recently started organizing demonstrations for farmers at the hi-tech Indo-Israel Centre for Excellence in Vegetables at Gharaunda near Karnal here. (PTI)
Краткий перевод: Индия переместилась с восьмой позиции на вторую как предпочтительное место израильского экпорта в первой половине 2010 г. Израильский экспорт в Индию в первой половине этого года равнялся $$$990 милиионов, рост в 102% по сравнению с прошлым годом. Причиной такого резкого роста стал 63% скачок в экспорте горной промышленности, добычи полезных ископаемых стоимостью в $$$228 миллионов продуктов, главным образом удобрений. Один из самых больших экспортёров в Индию является Заводы Мёртвого Моря. Также экспортируется электроника, в том числе военная техника.
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